About this course

Do you want to know about the Quranic words? Is your goal to know about the implied messages of the Quran and its suras? Is Understanding the Quran better your dream? Do you want to be more pious and draw nearer to Allah? How do you feel if you understand more about the meaning of each verse in the Holy Quran? Is your aim to appreciate the beauty and wisdom of the Holy Quran? This is clearly the most appropriate course for you. With the Tafsir course, you will end up understanding profoundly and thoroughly the significance and importance of each verse, as it is a one-one course.

Before Taking the Tafsir course:

1: Memorize at least ten surahs in the Ammah Section, Juz’ Ammah. 2: Pass the assessment test.

Ground Rules:

Sessions depend on your free time. Trial sessions before enrolling in the course. Great tuition prices, Greater quality. All our instructors and teachers are native speakers of Arabic and graduates of the al-Azhar university, specialists in Quranic Studies. Oral quizzes will be done during the course to check the progress of the students. Certain thematic videos in Arabic and English focusing on Tafseer will be recommended to the students. Modern approaches will be adopted to develop your Tafsir learning, i.e. websites, games…etc. All lectures will be based on “one-one” sessions, however, we might arrange some group meetings with all the students to facilitate a broader understanding of the Holy Quran and improve your studying skills. This will enable everybody to share their experience in learning Tafseer. This will be for the good of the students and will be based on the experience and preference of the students as well as the teachers and the instructors alike. The books used will focus on Tafsir and memorizing skills. This course will be customized based on why you are learning Tafseer for general Islamic knowledge or specialized study, for instance, we will take care of that and the course will be focusing on your personal and knowledge needs

After this course:

1: Understand the meaning of the Quranic verse you read or hear better and fully. 2: Enjoy listening to the Holy Quran. 3: Get new clues that will facilitate your understanding of the Holy Quran. 4: Have a deeper and more profound knowledge and understanding of the Holy Quran. 5: Be a better promoter of Islam, da’wah, and caller to Allah and His message. 6: Have a better understanding of the scholars’ speeches and comments about Islam. 7: Focus on the meaning and the implications of the Quranic verses while listening to the recitation of the Holy Quran.
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Islamic Studies

