About this course

Zumrat Al-Quran gives you the chance to design your own course. If you want to study certain books in mind {ARABIC Business books, Poetry, Novels, Culture, Islamic Arabic history, Egyptian history,, economics,…..etc.} – Or if you want to learn a certain skill in Arabic {Improving Listening, Conversation, Speaking, Reading or writing skills}. – If you have certain objectives that do not exist in any course; – Then this is the right course for you. No need to go to somebody who will impose a certain course on you. Just do it yourself. – The instructor’s role in designing the course will be a kind of consultancy as he will recommend the addition or deletion of certain parts of your course based on your capabilities and course duration, then he will teach you the course you have designed.
– Instructors will also help you in using a suitable strategy to design the course which helps you achieve your objective. – Instructors will enhance the course you have designed with videos and pictures related to your course. – This will remove any fear about learning Arabic as you are the one who designed the course by yourself. – Such a course will help you benefit from the experience of your friends who mastered Arabic as a second language. This will enable you to use the approach, tools, and strategies. they used to master Arabic. – An example of a student who wants to design his course is a student who is studying Arabic as a second language and has his own syllabus at the university. He wants to study this syllabus. In such a case, he just needs to send this syllabus to the instructor, who will then plan a suitable approach together with the duration of the course and other information that can be added to the course to make it easier. – Another example is something that is common among students. Students want to study books by a specific author such as Ibn Alqayem, Annawawy, or other contemporary writers. In such a case, the instructor will arrange the books from the easiest to the hardest, or from the oldest to the newest, which will take place after reviewing this with the student, and agreeing on the way he would like this to be taught to him.

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